
What is the best of Open Source projects? The community!

Many thanks to all contributors, donators, translators, testers and all people who use, test and support this extension.

  • 109247019824
  • 649756477994
  • 6ig6oy
  • Adriel Mahira Dharma
  • Alexey Napalkov
  • Allan Nordhøy
  • Amdr0meda
  • Amdromeda
  • Artem
  • Balázs Úr
  • bedbfnw
  • Bekir
  • Bojan
  • Booteille
  • Calum McConnell
  • clavelc
  • Cobradabest
  • Codefoxy Ch
  • Cristian Silaghi
  • David Braz
  • d-faure
  • Džiugas J
  • Edward
  • Éfrit
  • Emanuel Bennici (Publisher of Chromium extension)
  • Emanuel Serpa
  • Eric
  • Estébastien Robespi
  • ExteriorCloth20
  • Fort Knox
  • Frank
  • Frederik Lykkegaard From
  • fresh
  • gallegonovato
  • Gatinho
  • Gediminas Murauskas
  • GM
  • HelaBasa
  • HexagonCDN
  • Hoang Dang
  • Jaap (contributed the HTML filter)
  • J H
  • Jiazheng Shen
  • J. Lavoie
  • Joel Donizeti Mello da Silva
  • Joel D'Silva
  • Jonas Matisen
  • Jouni
  • Kaantaja
  • Kai Davis
  • kak mi
  • Kamil Rumanuel Rukola
  • Kim Tae Kyeong
  • KiralFox
  • kotatsuyaki
  • Kryštof Černý
  • LEoREo2247
  • Limfjorden
  • Linerly
  • Liu Tao
  • Luna Jernberg
  • Maciej Błędkowski
  • Madis Otenurm
  • Markus Mikkonen
  • Martijn Westerink
  • Max
  • maxigaz
  • Maxime Dias
  • MES-mitutti
  • Michalis
  • Mico H
  • Milo Ivir
  • Mizuki Nguyễn
  • mmagian
  • Mohammed Anas
  • Moon Sungjoon
  • MSKF
  • Navneet
  • Oğuz Ersen
  • oleole
  • orangepizza
  • Oskari Lavinto
  • ovl-005
  • ovl-1
  • Paba22
  • Palmiro DellaVerga
  • phlostically
  • Pieter Carette
  • Pyry Vartiovaara
  • Rafał Opiłowski
  • RainSlide
  • Raul
  • Rubic Useless
  • Samuel Carvalho de Araújo
  • Sen Qian
  • Sérgio Marques
  • Sergio Varela
  • Shimamura Sakura
  • sibylla
  • Sky Black
  • Small Ku
  • soya_daizu
  • srello
  • ssantos
  • SukkaW
  • Taufik Nurrohman (Developer of Color Picker)
  • TheMageKing
  • The RedBurn
  • Thomas Rientjes (Developer of Decentraleyes)
  • Tibor Zimanyi
  • Tmpod
  • Tomasz Cielecki
  • TotalImportance8529
  • Tschaeggaer
  • unatecepp-7789
  • unbeatable-101
  • vachan-maker
  • Valentin
  • vcrgr
  • Victor
  • vivekkoya
  • wordpure
  • XieyilinMain
  • Xitario
  • Yaron Shahrabani
  • zer0-x
  • zmni
  • Віталій Куждін
  • Егор Ермаков
  • Сергій
  • ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್
  • 刘韬
  • 四天王寺
  • 大王叫我来巡山
  • 黃冠霖
  • ... and all anonymous translators and reviewers

I'm sorry, if your name is missing. Please send me an e-mail and I will add your name.

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